All About Animal Detectives

Information About Animal Detectives:

Animal Detectives is a program for finding out what animal is in your backyard, how it got in, and how it got out. The program is ran by Mila Floren, who is a very smart girl. She has solved a case about an animal in her friend's backyard. She drives to the cities, Carson, Torrance, and Redondo Beach to take cases about animals.

The Main Reason I'm Helping You With This:
(Mila Floren Wrote This Herself)

The Reason I'm helping you with this is because I have solved a case about an animal in my friend's backyard. Once, I was at my friend's house. They had two blow up pools in his backyard and he invited me over. Me and his little sister were drying off in the sun from swimming and then suddenly my friend's Mom said that she saw Matthew Perry. Of course it wasn't really Matthew Perry, she just called it Matthew Perry because when my friend was little he saw a little rodent and they called it Matthew Perry. But this creature looked a little bit different than what they saw then. Me, my friend, and his little sister took  paddle boards from his garage incase whatever it was jumped at us. We looked underneath a big blue tarp to see if it was there. Still holding up our paddle boards, we lifted up the tarp together and looked carefully underneath it not really being able to see anything because the tarp was too heavy for three kids to lift up all by themselves.  But we found a solution and it was stepping on the tarp. Luckily, there was nothing there. We put the tarp down and continued our search. Then my friend's little sister got tired of looking so she went to the patio and ate some chips. Me and my friend found a paw print! Exactly what we needed!!! We kept looking for more paw prints and we kept finding more as we looked!! My friend got down on all fours and put his hands and feet in the paw prints as we found them. They ended by a ditch that we found by his fence separating his yard from his neighbors' yard. Great. We had found how the creature got out but we had no idea how it got into his yard. We were starting to get exhausted from looking so much so we sat down and I asked for my Mom's phone and she gave it to me. I looked up images of possum paw prints in grass because the paw prints looked like they came from a possum and we saw the paw prints in grass. Sure enough, the paw prints that we found belonged to a possum. We did more investigating and came up with several different places that the possum could have entered from.  A ditch in the back of another fence in the backyard, a different ditch in the same fence, and the open gate that we had forgot to close. We thought about it for a little bit but none of us could figure out which way the possum entered from. We shot some videos on our Moms' phones but messed all of them up so we ended up deleting them all. All of us thought about it and suddenly we thought of something!! When my friend's Mom saw the possum it was going towards the gate that we left open!! The other fence with the two holes was in the other direction!!! I immediately told them and it all started making since!! The possum had came from the neighbors' yard, through the ditch in the fence, behind the blow up pools, and after that was when my friend's Mom saw it!!! After my friend's Mom saw him, he snuck underneath the hammock, and then through the open gate!! We couldn't believe we had solved that case so we started screaming: WE SOLVED A MYSTERY! WE SOLVED A MYSTERY! and then finally calmed down. And that's the main reason I'm helping you with this.

- Mila Floren 


  1. What a fantastic story! I was on the edge of my seat. It's clear you've found your calling and you have our family's full support!


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